Friday, October 5, 2018

Why Leaves Change Color in Fall

For those of us who live where leaves change color, fall is a beautiful time of year. Yes, some years are better than others. No matter what, the magic of seeing leaves change color is inspiring.   

The above photo is of a Korean Maple Tree taken at our local arboretum. What a glorious tree! I had never seen a more beautiful tree. The leaves were all the colors of the rainbow. Have you seen one?

Did you know that the leaves you see in spring and summer are actually beautiful colors on the inside? We can't see the colors because the color green covers it up. The green pigment is chlorophyll.  There are three pigments necessary for leaves to feed the leaves. They are: carotene, anthocyanin and chlorophyll.

For the leaves to stay green in spring and summer, they must have the right ingredients. They need lots of sunlight, water and air. As the fall temperatures lower and there is less daylight, food for the leaves is cut off and the green we see breaks down. This is how the process of color change happens. Of course, there is more to learn about how this happens. I am just opening your eyes to a few facts.

This beautiful tree was at a local golf course a few years ago. It was the trunk as well as the colors of the leaves that made me stop the car and get out. What a beauty!

With our lives so busy, it's important to stop and enjoy the beauty around us.

Yes, fall is truly a favorite season because of the colors of the leaves.

What do you think about the colors of fall?

Thank you for visiting!



University of Wisconsin-Madison. (2007, October 16). Why Do Leaves Change Color In The Fall?. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 29, 2018 from


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