Thursday, August 16, 2018


When I open the drapes and see the sun is out, I smile. Why? Because it's going to be a beautiful day! How I love the sun. When I go outside and feel the sun on my back, it gives me strength and feels good. There's nothing like getting Vitamin D from something so wonderful.

We are made to be in the sun. It is recommended that we get 10-15 minutes of sunshine every day, weather permitting of course. It doesn't take long to feel the benefits of the sun. A smile will form where you were otherwise too busy to notice. It will relax you and help you think clearer. 

Even adults are made to play outdoors. Ever noticed how much fun you have when you're outdoors? It feels good to be get outside and get fresh air along with some rays from the sun. It'll help your brain. It'll help your entire body.

Sunshine helps boost our mood because of the added Vitamin D. This is also because one is more happy when the sun is out. Ever noticed how your mood is when it's been gray for days on end? Then, when the sun comes out, you smile. It's that powerful.

I love the sun. It's the most beautiful star we have. It warms us and protects us. It helps our food, grasses, flowers and more grow. Without it, we wouldn't be alive. Our planet wouldn't be alive. We need the sun for sustenance. 

Go out and enjoy the sun. Every day there is a reason to smile. Get outside and start.

Thanks for visiting my blog.


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