Monday, December 30, 2019

Canterbury Bells
(Campanula medium)

Taking a very short break from writing my book.

Canterbury Bells have fascinated me for years. How beautiful they are. A flower that looks like a bell in purple, white, blue and pink. The photo above was taken at Olbrich Botanical Gardens. I had an appointment nearby and stopped there before going home. I was so glad I did! There's nothing like relaxing in a beautiful garden.

Canterbury Bells are from southern Europe where they grow in the mountains. In the Victorian Age, people were fascinated by them because of their beauty. So it was in the 19th century that they were first seen growing.
They began growing in Britain in 1597.

Their Italian name (Campanula) means little bells. It is also said that their name is due to the fact that they grow abundance in Canterbury.

This flower blooms for two years. Actually, the first year is when the plant itself will grow and get ready for the heavy blossoms. Some say that, before flowering, the plant looks like a weed. The second and final  year of the flower is when the beautiful blossoms open. So, when you plant this flower, understand that it won't be until the second year when you will see the flower in its glory.

When out walking in gardens or down a sidewalk, I always keep my eyes out for what is growing. There have been many beautiful home gardens I have seen on my walks as well as, of course, the beautiful botanical gardens we have here. Canterbury Bells have a way of brightening up the garden with their unique shape and vibrant colors. Do you enjoy them?

If you grow a garden and want to add a unique flower to your garden, this is a beauty to consider. The flower adds not only color but it adds a shape that you probably do not have in your garden. This flower also does well in flower pots (as you see here).

Enjoy the Canterbury Bells and think back to where they started growing.

Thank you for visiting!




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