Viola tricolor var. hortensis
Early each spring, we are welcomed by the beautiful pansy. Pansies are colorful and remind me of smiley faces looking up at at me. How I love how velvety they are. How precious they are.
They are named after the French word pensie which means thought or remembrance.

Recently, I walked through a greenhouse where there were endless pots of these beauties. I smiled as soon as I saw the display. It felt like pure joy. I walked around and had a blast capturing the wide variety of sweet faces.
They were first found in England and then, in the 1800s, they came to America. Over the years, they have been used for cures. It is said that, since the pansy leaves are shaped like a heart, they can be used to heal a broken heart. Pansies have been used in China for 100s of years. The Celtics created a tea with the leaves and it was used to help heal a broken heart. No matter what, when you look at them or eat them, you will smile from ear to ear.
It is said that, when eaten, they have been found to help with cancer and headaches. Instead of taking aspirin, eat pansies . They are made from the same ingredients.

All in all, the beautiful smiley flowers heal us from our eyes through our bodies. They, of course, enhance gardens and flower pots. No matter how you look at pansies, I hope you will smile.
Next week: learn about the red-spotted purple butterfly. Have you ever seen one?
I recently met with a person who enjoys frogs. I will be posting about frogs on Tuesday, June 4th. Thank you for your interest!
Thank you for visiting!
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