Red-tailed Hawk
Buteo jamaicensis
Revised 12/12/18
I recently went to Stricker Pond where I watched this beautiful red-tailed hawk move its head 160 degrees! I had never seen it in this position before. It was an incredible sight! Love seeing it from the back with the head towards me. Wow.
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Revised 12/12/18
I'll never forget the first time I saw a Red-tailed Hawk. We were driving down a country road. Sitting on a pole, was a Red-tailed Hawk. It was magnificent. So large and domineering. It was sitting there watching for prey.
Each time we go out, we keep our eyes open for the raptor. The Red-tailed Hawk is a raptor (bird of prey). The female is larger than the male. How beautiful they are when they fly overhead, circling an area, looking for food. I was at a local park awhile back when I watched one land on a pole in the park and watched for its next meal. They are very good at finding food. They eat a variety of food including, but not limited to, rodents, birds, small animals, and insects.
This Red-tailed Hawk was sitting on a tree at the local arboretum. It was very close to the road. Notice how this hawk is looking right at me. It was quite an experience!
Did you know that they live for 21 years and mate for life? Yes, it's quite amazing. They return to their nests each year, adding to the nest. They can fly as fast as 121 mph. Amazing!
I recently went to Stricker Pond where I watched this beautiful red-tailed hawk move its head 160 degrees! I had never seen it in this position before. It was an incredible sight! Love seeing it from the back with the head towards me. Wow.
There is a lot to learn about this beautiful hawk. This is just a window to their world.
Have you enjoyed watching them? What do you like about them?
The above photos are available for purchase.
Thank you for visiting and have a nice day!
Baughman, M (ed). Reference Atlas to the Birds of North America. National Geographic.
Dunn, JL & Alderferer, J. Field Guide to the Birds of North America (6th ed). National Geographic
Kaufman, K. (1996). Lives of North American Birds. Houghton Mifflin Co.